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Showing posts from March, 2024

Digital Check

Digital Check is a useful app that can be used to create or check (verify) digital data offline and in real time! The app uses custom "Cryption Keys" (Password, Passphrase, Passcode, etc) to encrypt\decrypt users data such as face picture, name, phone, email and so on. The main advantage of using this app as a verification system is for it being really cheap, it does not require physical pass cards, internet connection, website, database or servers. Verification through face picture and phone number is another advantage of this app. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!

Message Crypter

Message Crypter is an useful app that encrypts\decrypts messages In real time. The app uses the user "Cryption Key" for message encryption\decryption process. "Cryption Key" can either be Password, Passphrase, Passcode, etc. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!

Local Time Converter

"Local Time Converter" is an app that converts the current or a custom time from any region to local time. The app allows options such as "Hour Format", TimeZone and "Locale Code" to be changed. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!

Real Time Calculator

"Real Time Calculator" is an app that evaluates math expressions and return 1 or multiple outputs in real time. The app supports Multi Line Inputs and JavaScript Variables/Operators/Functions. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!

Rule of 3 Calculator

"Rule of 3 Calculator" is an app that allows the mathematical "Rule of Three" to be applied in an easier, faster and more practical way. An "Invert" option is included. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!

Random Codes Generator

Random Codes Generator allows users to generate single or multiple random codes easily. The app allows users to set min, max, lines and characters options. Try Demo Request through our email contact your "Activation Code" for $1 (USD) only!